Friday, June 22, 2007

Why To Hire me ?

Why to order from me
I am a high-skilled specialist in web-design and programming. I develop web sites since 1996 and can create sites of any kind: from small personal homepages to big e-commerce systems with SQL-technologies and high-level security.

I write in pure HTML, PHP, ASP, Perl, Ruby. Know how to deal with XHTML and CSS, Javascript including AJAX. I keep my eye on new technologies, have strong knowledge of Internet protocols and standards.

My web sites are compact and extremely fast!
I do not use any WYSIWYG editors to create pages. I write each line of code manually. Your visitors would not have to wait too long to open pages even on slow connections.

My web sites are search-engine friendly!
My scripts produce valid XHTML code. There is no junk tags in source. I use natural semantic document flow and CSS for pages layout.

My web sites are intuitive and easy to use!
I will make your site unique and eye-catching with its graphics. I'll make your communication with a site as comfortable as possible, using my long-term experience in creating ergonomically designed interfaces.

This is me
Do not hesitate to hire me. I am a web developer, software programmer, graphics designer, photographer, and the best solution provider to solve your problems as IT-consultant specialist

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Using Ruby Gems

You may want to add functionality to your application using Ruby Gems. A gem is a packaged Ruby application or library. A great introduction to Ruby Gems can be found here. Basically, Ruby Gems keep you from having to reinvent the wheel, by providing you with modular pieces of code that can be accessed from within your application's code. By default, some gems will come pre-installed with your hosting plan. Generally these are Rails-relevant gems (ActiveRecord, ActionMailer, etc.). To see a list of installed gems at any time, type “gem list --local” from an SSH window. To install new gems, issue the command “gem install ” (where is the name of the gem you wish to install). This command will first search your local machine for the specified gem, and if not found, will attempt to automatically download the gem from RubyForge, an online gem repository. Check RubyForge for a complete listing of available gems or check the link here for a more condensed listing. More installation options can be found by typing “gem install --help”. By default, gems will be installed to '/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/'.

Freezing Ruby Gems

Whenever a new gem version appears on the host, your Rails application will attempt to automatically upgrade to that version. This is convenient when in development, but after moving to production, it can cause things to break unexpectedly. For obvious reasons, you don't necessarily want your application being updated after it has been published. To prevent gems from updating, change directories to your application root, and issue the command “rake freeze_gems”. This copies the gems from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ (the default location) to /vendor/ and keeps them from being automatically updated.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Install a RubyOnRails app on a Site5 account

1) Open SSH client PUTTY and and go at the root of your personal directory (place where you can see the directory public_html).

2) Using FTP, upload the following directories:
* app
* public
* config
They should contain all the files created (but upload also the other directories if you have created files in other dir than the ones listed)

3) Now let's create symbolic link,
ln -s /home/{username}/apps/site/curent/public public_html

4) We have to declare the symlinks by creating the .htaccess file:
vi public_html/.htaccess

and following lines of code,

Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
RewriteEngine On

5) Next step is to modify the permissions (make the files executable)
chmod -R 755 your_app/*

6) Edit your public/dispatch.cgi, public/dispatch.fcgi file and replace the first line like this:
replace #!/usr/bin/ruby18 with #!/usr/bin/ruby

Restarting dispatch.fcgi,
pkill -9 -u thezixo -f dispatch.fcgi

At this stage you may want to test the installation by visiting the address:
You should obtain the congratulations page of the server running perfectly well.

7) Once you're done testing this, we're gonna create a simple route to display a page as the index page (like an index.html or index.php page)
First delete the index.html in the public dir unless you want to use it.
rm your_app/public/index.html
vi your_app/config/routes.rb
map.connect '', :controller => 'your_controller', :action => 'action_to_be_seen_as_index'

8) Finally, edit the environment.rb file to put the app into production mode:
vi your_app/config/environment.rb
then add the following line before the RAILS_ENV declaration, like this:
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = "production"

Now, you should be allright and ready to show your work to the rest of the world !
You will be able to access the index page by typing:

Friday, December 22, 2006


Rails is the M-V-C ( Model - View - Controller ) open-source framework written in Ruby, it is also called as Ruby on Rails(RoR). It is for developing database web applications.

Rails Installation

  • Ruby must be installed for rails installation.

  • Check for gem installation by typing gem --version in a command window.

  • Now we will use RubyGems to install Rails.

      Check whether your internet connection is active.

    In a command window, type gem install rails --include-dependencies

  • Now you are ready to run rails(RoR).

  • To update your rails application, simply type gem update rails in command window. This will automatically update your rails installation.

  • Getting Started with a New Rails Application

    1. Create new Rails application by the command rails , like c:\>rails demo

    2. This will automatically create rails application name ‘demo’ with standard directory structure.

    3. Change directory to c:\>cd demo, then Start WEBrick server by the command c:\demo>ruby script/server . Then access http://localhost:3000/ in the browser, you should see a screen that looks like this.

    4. This confirms that the installation was successful and Rails is running.

    Sunday, December 17, 2006


    Welcome to learn Ruby.
    This will help to beginner's of ruby.

    Ruby Installation
    Download Ruby one click installer for windows, also there are ruby versions for Linux and OS X. Also you can download Ruby here.

    Tuesday, December 12, 2006

    My First Post

    Hello Guys

    I just started sharing my knowledge and inviting others to do the same
